Archive for the Category »Site News «

Horror Selfies

The Horror Writers Association (HWA) has launched a new promotional campaign for the genre – Horror Selfies. The campaign highlights the exceptional work, both literary and cinematic, produced by the horror genre. The HWA is utilizing the vast reach of social media to provide a platform through which people can tell the world why they love horror, and to promote literacy and reading among children and Young Adults, ot to support a local library.

Authors, readers, actors, directors, fans and followers are invited to submit a selfie to in which they hold a sign encouraging others to read horror/dark fantasy, to watch horror movies, or to write horror. The site’s homepage contains featured selfies from many of the genre’s biggest names (Stephen King, Ramsey Campbell, Ellen Datlow and Stephen Jones, to name but a few).

Those who submit get a personal page they can share with friends on social media, as well as the chance to win signed horror novels if they submit before Halloween. At the end of October a random selfie will be selected and the winner will get a whole swag of signed horror novels!

My contribution is below, and you can also access the page directly at


Horror Selfie


My email provider was briefly down from the morning of Monday 2nd September through to the evening of Thursday 5th September. Anyone who tried to email me during this period will have recieved an undeliverable notification.

I’ve got in touch with most of these people now, but if I’ve missed anyone off the list who tried to get in touch, please do now resend your message.

A little bird told me…

As some of you will have already noticed, there’s now a few Twitter buttons adorning the site, which will allow you to ‘follow me’, or help spread the word by tweeting any of my posts, if you like.

Bit late to the party on this one I know, but then I’ve always been a little slow.

Tweet la revolution!

Book reviews now online

The website now contains a new page, which contains links to all of my book reviews for The British Fantasy Society.


End of the line for SW&W

The more eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that the forthcoming link for my piece ‘Unfinished‘ no longer features on the Publications page.

This is due to the sad closure of the Indiana-based magazine, Strange, Weird & Wonderful, and is yet another reminder of how hard the Publishing industry is faring in the continuing recession. I wish DLR and his team every success in their future endeavours and thanks for taking the time to consider my work.

Hopefully the story will get picked up elsewhere in the coming months.

Back on the horse

It’s been a difficult few months of late and having not really written anything much for as long as I can remember, I find myself with pen in hand again – searching for solace more than anything else on the blank page in front of me.

The new piece in the Downloads section isn’t much, but it’s a start and I guess that will have to do, for now.

Fresh freebies

I’ve added a couple of new pieces to the Download section today. If you’re curious, feel free to check out the updated page.

A New Home

Hi there. You’ve found your way to the homepage of Carl Barker.

Here you’ll find links to my published fiction and details of forthcoming pieces, as well as some free online content for those interested.

Take a look around if you like and if you have any questions or just want to say hi, then feel free to e-mail me via my contact page.